CES 2007: Wrap Up

by Gary Key on 1/24/2007 2:00 AM EST
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  • WT - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link

    Holy Bajesus .. that Zalman HSF is a board breaker .... it looks like a Civic spare tire sitting on the board.
  • xsilver - Thursday, January 25, 2007 - link

    i guess u have yet to see the tuniq tower?
    at least this zalman has a low centre of gravity
  • semo - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link

    that tt soprano dx looks awfully similar to the cm wavemaster.
  • kleinwl - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link


    Did you talk to Antec about their PSU failures? Are they doing anything to improve it? I've had 2 SP-450s fail in a row (2nd being a replacement for the first) with less than 100 hours of service.
  • sprockkets - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link

    Saw them at Circuit city, they are quite cool, I think they have 3.5 hdd in them somehow. I do not seem them for sale anymore at Circuit city, and the one at newegg has no built in wifi and is more expensive.
  • syncmaster - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link

    Gary, can you confirm if the first Acer monitor you show has a glossy screen because it states on Acer's website that is has crystalbrite technology like all their other 5 series. I believe this monitor is AL2251W which would make it the first 22" widescreen glossy monitor.

    Many thanks.

  • IntelUser2000 - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link

    On the second page: " Intel 946GZ chipset with X3000 integrated graphics, up to 2GB of DDR2-667, 160GB..."

    should be

    "Intel 946GZ chipset with 3000 integrated graphics, up to 2GB of DDR2-667, 160GB..."

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