Did you talk to Antec about their PSU failures? Are they doing anything to improve it? I've had 2 SP-450s fail in a row (2nd being a replacement for the first) with less than 100 hours of service.
Saw them at Circuit city, they are quite cool, I think they have 3.5 hdd in them somehow. I do not seem them for sale anymore at Circuit city, and the one at newegg has no built in wifi and is more expensive.
Gary, can you confirm if the first Acer monitor you show has a glossy screen because it states on Acer's website that is has crystalbrite technology like all their other 5 series. I believe this monitor is AL2251W which would make it the first 22" widescreen glossy monitor.
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WT - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link
Holy Bajesus .. that Zalman HSF is a board breaker .... it looks like a Civic spare tire sitting on the board.xsilver - Thursday, January 25, 2007 - link
i guess u have yet to see the tuniq tower?at least this zalman has a low centre of gravity
semo - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link
that tt soprano dx looks awfully similar to the cm wavemaster.kleinwl - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link
Gary,Did you talk to Antec about their PSU failures? Are they doing anything to improve it? I've had 2 SP-450s fail in a row (2nd being a replacement for the first) with less than 100 hours of service.
sprockkets - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link
Saw them at Circuit city, they are quite cool, I think they have 3.5 hdd in them somehow. I do not seem them for sale anymore at Circuit city, and the one at newegg has no built in wifi and is more expensive.syncmaster - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link
Gary, can you confirm if the first Acer monitor you show has a glossy screen because it states on Acer's website that is has crystalbrite technology like all their other 5 series. I believe this monitor is AL2251W which would make it the first 22" widescreen glossy monitor.Many thanks.
IntelUser2000 - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - link
On the second page: " Intel 946GZ chipset with X3000 integrated graphics, up to 2GB of DDR2-667, 160GB..."should be
"Intel 946GZ chipset with 3000 integrated graphics, up to 2GB of DDR2-667, 160GB..."