Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/10108/nvidia-releases-36200-whql-game-ready-driver
NVIDIA Releases 362.00 WHQL Game Ready Driver
by Daniel Williams on March 2, 2016 8:00 AM EST
Right on cue NVIDIA has delivered another game ready driver for a collection of newly released titles. Bringing, alongside the typical performance and stability reasons, additional graphical improvements to the games in question.
NVIDIA’s 362.00 WHQL driver release continues through the 361 driver branch. Furthermore, there are no new issue fixes reported by NVIDIA this time around.
This driver provides game ready support for the recently released Farcry Primal, including performance optimizations and an SLI profile. Game ready support is also provided for Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, bringing to the original Gears of War improved graphics, 60FPS, and support for resolutions up to and including 4k, alongside the inclusion of NVIDIA’s own HBAO+.
Dying Light and the recent Dying Light: The Following have received NVIDIA GameWorks Percentage Closer Soft Shadows (referred to as PCSS). This newly released technique works to further improve the believability of in game shadows by softening shadows more as the move further from the shadow caster.
Anyone interested can download the updated drivers through GeForce Experience or on the NVIDIA driver download page.