AnandTech 4.0

This release of the site was a fairly major upgrade in terms of back-end code. We decided to do a rewrite on the site code, which we have been using since version 2.0. ColdFusion MX had been released, and AnandTech was used as a high load test site during the beta of ColdFusion MX. Needless to say, we beat on it and found a few issues here and there that were fixed prior to MX's release. One of the significant changes in the ColdFusion language was the ability to form code components into a web-based API, which really helped us organize the code into more reusable sections.

Reporting of web statistics was starting to cause us some grief in this release due to the amount of clustered servers and log file size. We obtained a quote from WebTrends for their software, but it was going to cost around $15,000 for our server farm. We felt that analyzing log files was archaic, and we decided to make our own statistics tracking system. Development of the web statistics system took a couple of weeks, and is the same system that we use to date.

Just as our traffic was increasing, so was the size of our editoral staff, and the amount of content being published. Anand and the other editors asked for an easier way to create their graphs; basically, a central system to manage the data that goes in the graphs and to be able to re-generate them without having to upload images. So, we did some research and found a fantastic piece of software called SwiffChart from GlobFX, a company in France. This graphing engine allowed us to construct our graphs programmatically from our content management system. SwiffChart gave us a number of file formats in which to save the generated graphs. We had originally used Flash because of its file size when compressed (smaller than any other conventional format). We recently switched to PNG format, the next smallest format due to the number of readers who can't have the plugin or want it for that matter. To date, we still use this graphing system, although it has been enhanced over the past year with various features to make it even easier for our editorial staff to use.

During this release, we had a few issues with the Windows version of Apache, which we used because of mod_gzip (HTTP Compression) module. Apache wasn't threading properly on Windows at that time (prior to version 2 of Apache). We decided to switch to IIS, and a HTTP compression module called PipeBoost, which we still use now. The next upgrade was the largest in the history of the site.

Hardware used in version 4.0
5 x Dual AMD Athlon MP 1900+ w/ 512MB Memory

View version 4.0 of the website

AnandTech 2.0 & 3.0 AnandTech 5.0
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  • Dennis Travis - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    Great Job with the site Jason as always and it was interesting to see how far things have come along since I first started visiting here.

    Keep up the great work.

  • stoneranger - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

    kewl read, I enjoyed it. Really. I think it is very interesting the progress the industry has made. Things are actually getting easier. I love anand tech. Of course I could be considered a geek by some. But I think it is by far one of the best sites on the web.
  • Frozen7 - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

  • Frozen7 - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - link

  • Da3dalus - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    Nice to see some of the earlier designs, I didn't visit this place in the 1.0 to 3.0 days.
  • cameronj - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    Under the 5.0 heading it says "
    Hardware used in version 4.0
    5 x Dual AMD Athlon MP 1900+ w/ 1GB Memory"

    Interesting article though :)
  • CrystalBay - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    Ahh The Celery Report...Do you guys have all this stuff archived ?
  • CompMan86 - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    Two errors: 1) The second graph on the conclusion page, the caption says "the graph below" instead of "the graph above." Also, "SQL Sever/Sybase world and while" on page 2 should say Server, not sever. Minor mistakes, just thought I'd give you the heads up. Otherwise, awesome article!

    And in response to the target=_blank comment, you have no control over window size or window attributes (like toolbars) with that. target=_blank is good when linking to an external site, but if you want to have a customized popup, javascript IS the standard.
  • quanta - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    Why the site keep on using Javascript to open a new window when it can be done using 'target=_blank' attribiute? Is that Anandtech's idea of 'standard compliance'?
  • PorBleemo - Monday, July 26, 2004 - link

    Great job Jason! Always an interesting change to see site background like this...

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