FSB Overclocking Results

For FSB overclocking, the following setup was used on the Epox 8KRA2+:

Front Side Bus Overclocking Testbed
Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2500+ (Barton core)
CPU Vcore: 1.650V (default)
Cooling: Volcano 7+ HSF
Power Supply: Enermax 350W


Using the above overclocking setup we were able to reach a stable FSB overclock of 215MHz. Since the 8KRA2+ only supports a 1/6 PCI divider the AGP and PCI buses were running out of spec (66MHz/33MHz), which limited our potential FSB overclock. We wouldn’t be surprised if a 215MHz FSB overclock using a similar setup is about the best you’ll be able to get from motherboards based on the KT600 chipset, especially since Epox Socket A motherboards are usually at the very top of the FSB overclocking heap. As a reference, we’ve been able to easily reach over 220MHz FSB with several nForce2 Ultra 400 motherboards, due in part to the ability of these motherboards to lock the AGP and PCI buses. AGP/PCI bus locking is commonplace now and is what will continue to hold back VIA chipset-based motherboards from winning over overclocker’s hearts.

Epox 8KRA2+: BIOS and Overclocking Epox 8KRA2+: Stress Testing
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  • Anonymous User - Sunday, July 6, 2003 - link

    I kept checking back after 24 hrs for the update. Glad you finally added it - just what I was looking for. But I did expect it by end of day Jul 2 (within 24 hrs of article post as you promised, which was Jul 1).
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, July 5, 2003 - link

    Goddamn it, why must all of the benchmark charts be in Flash format these days?? It is a supreme annoyance, especially since they are nothing but simple charts. A GIF can easily do it, with far less annoyance for those who don't have Flash and don't want it.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, July 5, 2003 - link

  • Zuni - Thursday, July 3, 2003 - link


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